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Orsi és Zsolti gyűrűiről készült kreatív kép Tihányból, a Balaton mellől

Exclusive Services

We regularly arrive with various discounted offers for both wedding photographer and wedding video packages. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook so you don’t miss out on current discounts.

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Duration of promotion

The discount is valid only if the reservation is made within the indicated promotional period (until 31.01.2022). After the promotion period, we will not be able to provide the current discounts to those interested.


Applies to our wedding packages only

We can only offer our current discount offer for our packages under the "Packages" menu item. Based on an individual quote, we are unable to provide the discount shown. Also, if you book for this year’s 2023 wedding season, you can claim our discount.


When is a booking considered official?

After requesting a quote, we usually suggest a short discussion to resolve any issues that may arise. I will then prepare a draft contract which, if returned and signed as 30% of the total service charge, will be official.


Request our free dates

We can only provide the indicated discount for our existing free dates. Please contact us by email for exact availability.

Esküvői dekor fotózása a tatai Eszterházy Pezsgőgyárban tartandó esküvőről

Let's work

If you like our references and packages, please ask for our exact price by e-mail.

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